What urges us to realize the goal of a better life? What kind of future will the flourishing of science and information bring about? As artificial intelligence has become a key word in every industry, and as the public has been enraptured and carried away by the convenience of scientific technology, has our era of development given rise to a new paradigm? As seen in science - fiction film, as technology advances, what role is humanity or will humanity play? Future humanity serves as the thematic inspiration for this exhibition, uniting with Hyundai motors conception of Creative Energy, seeking to inspire and explore humanity and science culture and our own horizons and mission.
Bruno Latour's description of the quasi - object led to a wave of thought attempting to break the dualism of subject and object, as well as society and nature. The aim is to abandon anthropocentrism, cross the boundaries between species, and view humans as equal to other creatures. In line with this philosophy, the Bio Art movement explores how to break free of the confines of life, species, nature, and art.
This exhibition is focused on the issues of today's rapid development of biotechnology and society. Can humans find a new way to coexist with nature? Should there be more discussion over ancient philosophical classics, such as Zhuangzi's On the Equality of Things or Spinoza's monistic view that humans are just a part of nature, as mentioned in Ethics? Perhaps this new way of coexisting will be based on the acceptance, where human beings rely on scientific power to create a new nature? Whatever the case, the boundary between human society and nature will eventually disappear, and the two combined will form a quasi-nature; state of being.
Iris Long
Artists and researchers involved in this exhibition blend perspectives of Sophia (bright, poetic, media imagination) and Alexa (dark, black box, technological criticism), they investigate how AI shuffles global technical politics, reconstruct the earth's geologies, the absurdity of quantifying human emotions, the dark, inhuman labor (in exhausting fashion)to train human - like algorithms, incentives to project the entire human spiritual architecture on one single technology form, and the fairy - tale building on AI conducted by mass media.
Sophia and Alexa are embodied in the exhibition by text and sound generated by AI algorithms, and weave through it as dialogues. Walking through the exhibition is as if in Stalker, it interweaves the richness, noncomputability and vitality of the psychological world. Would all we are experiencing as a whole ;break all the prophecies, like the event horizon in Vernor Steffen Vinge's assertions, or be the biggest mistake we have ever made in Steve Hawking's alerts?
Li Beike & Sun Tianyi
Liu Qianxi
Iris Long
Wang Weiwei
Yao Mengxi
Bao Dong
Dai Zhuoqun
Fu Xiaodong
He Guiyan
Hu Bin
Lu Mingjun
Sun Dongdong
Wang Chunchen
Karen Smith
Qiu Zhijie
Martin honzik
Elaine W. Ng
Mariano Sardón
Li Zhenhua
This exhibition is focused on the issues of today's rapid development of biotechnology and society. Can humans find a new way to coexist with nature? Should there be more discussion over ancient philo- sophical classics, such as Zhuangzi's On the Equality of Things or Spinoza's monistic view that humans are just a part of nature, as mentioned in Ethics? Perhaps this new way of coexisting will be based on the acceptance, where human beings rely on scientific power to create a new nature? Whatever the case, the boundary between human society and nature will eventually disappear, and the two com- bined will form a "quasi-nature" state of being.
Artists and researchers involved in this exhibition blend perspectives of Sophia (bright, poetic, media imagination) and Alexa (dark, black box, technological criticism), they investigate how AI shuffles global technical politics, reconstruct the earth's geologies, the absurdity of quantifying human emotions, the dark, inhuman labor (in exhausting fashion) to train "human-like" algorithms, incentives to project the entire human spiritual architecture on one single technology form, and the fairy-tale building on AI conducted by mass media.